Speaker (re)Launch Package


Introducing the Speaker (re)Launch Package for new and any speaker looking to evolve their brand and/or message and (re)introduce themselves to the market.  

In just 90 days you'll receive:

6+ Coaching Calls to determine your creative and business strategy, help determine the best business to build around your speaking, prepare you for production and how best to deploy your assets when completed.
1 Prep call on your branding and positioning
1-2 Days of Filming to Produce:
a) New Demo/Sizzle Reel for your Speaking
b) 30 Minute Keynote Video
c) 15 Minute Ted-style video
d) 45 minute Interview footage
e) Introduction video (different from a sizzle)
f) 2 story (3-5 minutes) videos
g) 15 social reels

This also includes access to some of the brightest minds in the Speaking Industry and additional, optional resources that can serve any of your creative and business needs!

Coaching and Consulting


Go ahead, pick my brain. Or better yet, keep it on retainer and let me outline a roadmap to help you accomplish any goal or dream you may have. Having someone in your corner to provide insights and advice, while also rolling up their sleeves to get things done is worth the investment. Most of my clients start out this way and I’m proud to say many still work with me or continue to check-in at pivotal moments in their companies or careers.

Creative Management


Having a manager means having someone that knows how to connect all the dots, maximize every opportunity, and be on the lookout for new ways to monetize your time and talent. I’ve helped clients launch and grow their speaking careers, write, publish, and market books, turn those books or their ideas into television pitches, digital courses, workshops, retreats, and other products. I’m adept at negotiating and helping enlist the right team of experts to serve all your needs and help you continue moving forward knowing the ball isn’t going to get dropped.

Business Strategy: Launch and Beyond


Sometimes it’s hard to see the forest from the trees. I can help bring clarity on the best path forward and how to make all the pieces fit together. I’ve launched several new divisions or companies within companies that were all profitable within the first year. When you’ve acquired a company or you’re bringing a new team onboard - even outside consultants -  integration and recalibrating their new and your existing resources, talent, and competencies is the key to rapid assimilation. I can help you evaluate and decide how best to deploy any new venture.

Special Projects Management


The Navy has their SEALs and the Army has Rangers, but who do you call when you’ve got a project, event, or initiative that your current team isn’t equipped to handle? You bring in a specialist that understands how to communicate with the C-Suite and VIP’s and can assemble the best team to accomplish any mission you throw at me.

“I found Blair in a serendipitous way, through one of his other clients. I had come across her work online— I was impressed with how she positioned herself and how her work had grown, so I was intrigued by who she had chosen to work with.

When I made the decision to hire Blair myself, I knew I wanted to take my business— and my message— to the next level, but I had seen so many business strategists take their one framework for success and apply to each client... and I was skeptical. I wanted my business growth to match what I desired for my own experience of leading my business. I also wanted to grow without doing many of the online sales-y tactics. I wasn't quite sure where that left me, or what a path to growth might look like, but I knew I wanted support.

During our initial months together, Blair brought a wave of fresh thinking. I would have pages of notes after each of our sessions. He was thinking so much bigger for my business than I was, and had a keen ability to zoom in to help me iron out the details on things like wording, content, and my client's experience each step of the way. His ability to go big picture and also drill down (and slow down) into the next steps was invaluable to me as a solo business owner.

Through our work I became more powerful in my messaging, I launched a new revenue stream in my business (a membership), crafted my keynote talk, and developed a framework for the year ahead. I'm amazed at how much I was able to accomplish during a short time period, which is a testament to the brilliance of Blair's business mind, but also to his deep understanding of me, my vision and my mission through my work. He had an ability to use his experience to come up with paths forward that were aligned specifically for me. I am so glad to have Blair on my team. My business is stronger because of him and my experience of running my business is better because of our work together.”

Elizabeth Canon

Enlightened Entrepreneur Coach, Speaker, and Facilitator


“Outstanding! That's the first word that comes to mind when I think about working with Blair. Blair helped explode my corporate speaking business 6x over the past year, and I could not be more grateful. Not only is he responsive and professional, Blair is also a true collaborator and partner who is always looking for creative opportunities to grow my profile and business as a whole..” 

Melody Wilding

Keynote Speaker, Bestselling Author, Executive Coach

“Blair has been an absolute treasure to work with.  Second to none strategy and insights on the keynote industry, he has guided, coached, and advised through a personal rebrand in parallel with building out an entire thought leadership ecosystem, all with keynotes as a driving force for impact.  The constant touchpoints are a catalyst for my speaking business, and his authentic and direct style are exactly what speakers need to take their business to the next level.” 

Paul Epstein

Keynote Speaker, Bestselling Author, WHY Coach