3 Reasons to Invest in a Speaker
Beyond the professional ability to rally a crowd, provide uplifting inspiration, or celebrity cachet to your event, keynote speakers are also an invaluable resource for organizations to truly boost their bottom line, and move the needle to create transformative changes. When the right keynote speaker is chosen for your event audience and theme, there are a few ways to utilize your speaker’s expertise and unique abilities to maximize the ROI on your speaker investment. When booking your keynote speaker, be sure to keep in mind these three valuable assets your speaker has to offer:
1. Proprietary Knowledge: The best speakers are experts in their field. They not only have incredible expertise and experience, they have unique information that is not shared with the general public. Companies invest in speakers so they can glean insights on new technology, future trends, and best practices. Rather than trying to cultivate and disseminate that information throughout your organization, a speaker delivers their message in the most efficient and effective way possible. Why is it more effective? That brings us to the next point.
2. Third Party Validation: Even in organizations with the best, well-respected leadership, people get tired of what the boss has to say. Outside experts and objective auditors have long been used to close deals, confirm findings, and authenticate claims. Keynote speakers do the exact same thing for business leaders. Speakers reinforce leadership’s message, paint a clearer picture of their vision, support their objectives and direction, gather alignment, and ignite excitement for their mission. This can also be an effective way to restore trust and enable buy in from your employees, which leads to my last point.
3. Deepened Audience Engagement: A great leader can motivate a team to work together and accomplish a common goal, but it’s bound up in benefits and incentives. A speaker gives the attendees a common language, topic, or theme to relate to each other. They spark conversation, new ideas, and encourage collaboration and innovation. In the digital age, bringing people together face-to-face is a rare opportunity, so don’t miss the chance to hire an expert to optimize cohesion and teamwork at your event.
As I mentioned, these are just three of the many reasons conferences, meetings, and events can be enhanced by an outside speaker. The key to getting the most out of your speaker investment, is ensuring you partner with the best speaker for your unique event theme and audience. Surprisingly, the biggest names and most recognizable faces may not always be the best fit.
Originally published on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/3-reasons-invest-speaker-blair-bryant-nichols/